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here's some bugs that i found
1. child can jump high when u spamming space bar.
2. when u use the mask as an interact to the poison room (the foggy one) you're trying to interact if the possibility the key is in there.. If u trying to find it, you have to remove the mask to try interact the cabinets in there, you'll die instantly.
3. the book wont read but you'll just step on a book instead of reading it.
4. the monster is spawned at the beginning of the game which you need to be alert in early.
5. the punctuation mark display is keep on warning even though the nearby monster wont chasing after you.


I am stuck in the part where after I get the blue key, there doesn't seem to be a way to make any progress at all. None of the doors open.

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Fun game

Thank you for playing our game and for the feedback! right now, we are currently in progress to fix the bugs and do improvements for the game, I hope you can wait and stay tune for our updates. Thank you! :) 

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How do i even beat the ******* final boss it keeps shutting of the purifiers :/

Also i kept getting invisible prolly a bug or sth

crazy bro


I love the2D graphics used in this game. It was a lot of fun and creepy. Keep it up!

Hello there! Thank you so much for playing our game even though there's still some bugs to fix lol. Your stream was really interesting and fun to watch! Thanks for the feedback and we will do our best to work and fix the bugs asap.. so you guys can fully enjoy the game. :)



lmao, Thanks for playing our Game! glad you were scared even though there are still a lot of bugs and errors  xD

But we are now currently working on it to be fix, so wait for us and we will post the updated bug fixed version soon :)


hey, i'm not sure how to play your game because the download file is a .rar file instead of a .exe file and im not very tech savvy and don't know what to do

Hello lionboyleo, to extract the files of the game. do this..

1. right click the rar file named "Onward-2DHorrorGame.rar"

2. click "Extract Here"

3. After Extracting, Go to the Folder named "Onward" and you can find the .exe file of the Game. 

Thanks! :)

Theres no option to extract the file when i right click, am i downloading it wrong somehow?

Hello there lionboyleo, you can watch it here on how to extract the file of the game.  hope it helps :) 

the .rar file isn't a folder for me, im not sure what im doing wrong


You'll need WinRAR
you can download it for free on the website


Kudos man! Great game :)

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Thank you so much lodi! :) appreciate it much

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Hey! I played your game! I really like it so far but it seems to have a couple bugs. Specifically doors will refuse to open or keys won't work. Also items sometimes dissapear after you put them down, despite that I haven't used them yet.  Sadly, I wasn't able to finish the game because I had to keep restarting... :(

Otherwises, I love the story and all the art, both pixel and the cutscenes,  is really good. And the monster is super cool-looking!! The banging teeth was really unique, creepy indicator I've never seen done before in horror game. (Also loved the beat-boxing. Lmao!) I just feel  it needs some patching up so it can be playable. I hope I can retry this again sometime soon! :)

Hello there Prisma! Thank you so much for playing our game! even though there's still some bugs to fix lol. Thanks for the feedback and we will work and fix the bugs asap so you guys can fully enjoy the game.

Thank you so much! really appreciate it :) that really give us a boost on ourselves to continue and do some fixes and update to the game.

We will update here soon until the bugs are all fix! hope you can wait :)


This was a good game but I think there are many bugs every check point. hope you can fix it & looking forward for your next project. here my gameplay... :)

1. I was caught after taking the ID card & after respawn I was trapped under because the door was closed.

2.  I got caught after installing the battery & after respawn I couldn't open the door.

3. I was caught after seeing the door with the code & after respawn the door closed so I didn't know where to look for the code.

4. I got hit by a monster ball & after respawn I couldn't press the purifier. then I give up because I need replay from the beginning. LOL

Hello there Mama Fraha! Thank you so much for playing our game! even though there's still a lot of bugs to fix lol. Your stream was really interesting and fun to watch that amaze me that you almost finish the game!  well done! :) Thanks for the specific and detailed feedback, we are now working and fixing the bugs asap so you guys can fully enjoy the game. :) Thank you and stay tuned! :> 


Love this game ! Gameplay/story and puzzles are very captivating, I think I came across a bug though with the drug store door. Doesn't let me open it even though i have the key

Hello there Derpy! Thank you so much for playing our game! even though there's still some bugs to fix lol. Your stream was really interesting and fun to watch! Thanks for the feedback and we will work and fix the bugs asap so you guys can fully enjoy the game. :)